2014 Hayling Cycle Ride

Ride 2014: 14th - 19th July 2014 (one way)

Ride 2014: 13th - 19th July 2014 (two way)

We are delighted to confirm that we are returning to Paris for the first time since 2007!

pegasus_bridgeYou have a choice of either cycling both ways or one way from Paris to Hayling. The one way route is approximately 215 miles over three days. The two way route is approximately 360 miles over five days.

The “Two Way” Riders will leave Portsmouth for Caen on the overnight ferry on Sunday 13th July. After spending the first night in Evreux on the 14th July riders will head for Paris where they will be met by those who are doing the “One Way” ride.

All will leave Paris and ride to Rouen on the 16th July and then on Le Havre on the 17th. The following day riders will spend the night in Caen where a last night party is booked at Caen Castle! Many of you were at previous functions there but we suspect some cannot remember very much if anything!

2010_returnRiders will leave France on the morning of Saturday 19th July.

We will use many of the same hotels as in previous years and much of the same route except that in Paris we will seek to take advantage of newly developed cycle paths.

The “Two Way” ride costs £475 and the “One Way” £395. The prices include:

  • Ferry travel from Portsmouth to the start of the ride, and back again
  • Accommodation
  • Breakfast
  • Use of the support team (replacement tubes, etc charged at reasonable rates)
  • The celebration party in Caen Castle at the end of the ride
  • Detailed ride notes

We can rightly claim to be the original long distance Charity cycle ride and at those prices we can also maintain that we are comfortably the best value!

See more details of this year's ride.

Next practice ride

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