The body responsible for organising the Hayling Cycle Ride is known as the Association for Charitable Endeavours (Hayling Island), or A.C.E. This non-profit making association has a written constitution which describes its activities, limitations, obligations, a formal elected committee and is also constitutionally empowered to organise other charity-linked events.
The Organising Committee
Committee members and their chosen outside consultants work hard all year round on a voluntary basis to ensure a successful event. Changes to committee membership take place at the AGM at the end of the year. Peter McQuade MBE is President for life and so not subject to election. Current committee members, with their special responsibilities, are as follows:-
Sarah Jefferies
Chair, public relations & social events
Hotel bookings
Route planning and recce's
Charity liaison
Chair, public relations & social events
Hotel bookings
Route planning and recce's
Charity liaison
Keith Stringer
Roger Borton
Technical Services
Cycle jersey design and business sponsorship
Support van signage
Support crew t-shirt design
Technical Services
Cycle jersey design and business sponsorship
Support van signage
Support crew t-shirt design