Hayling Cycle Ride entry form

Please fill out the form below and pay the appropriate amount into the ride's account. We'll provide payment details when you complete the form, or you can see them here.

A place will not be allocated to you until we have received your payment.

A coloured background denotes required information.

Your details
Your requirements
I will share with another rider
I would like a single room...
I'd like to share a double bedded room with...
I'd like to share a twin bedded room with...
Yes No

Owayo has its own proprietary sizing method. Please refer to the Owayo unisex sizing guide when selecting a jersey size. Note that the jerseys are designed to be tight fitting so you might need to order a larger size than shown in the guide.

Needed for the ferry booking
Additional Information

Please provide us with as much detail as possible

Yes No